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[ Get out of her maze, don't be made a fool]

*encores* my computer is back. My dad got so pissed last week for certain reasons and decided to snatch the computer cable out. A nasty and hostile sight. A week later he realized his mistake and gave back what i deserve :D. Actually the opposite.

About my holidays? you may ask. Monday, THEORY EXAMS <--- did that catch your eye? ;] but, it was quite simple. everything i've memorized and studied came out. Not being overconfident, *cross fingers* but i think i can get a distinction =p. The next few days i practically slack, slept for 13 hours and labour in the house. My mom would say, " why don't you use your time and study? it's PMR this year." I'd rather fart on my couch than study >_>. Thenn, on wednesday Eric,Guan,Wan and I went out to pyramid. Of course it would have been way more fun but the girls ffk us. ;\ we watched primeval and i slept. GUSTAVE? i had my McFlurry so that satisfies me alot. I know it's sucky i don't have any pictures, but i'll try to make the effort to get my sister's cam and use it ;).

The following day, we had futsal and bowling. It was damn fun cause i score the highest points =P. I'll update the pictures some other time cause i can't have it now.

-scribs. @ Saturday, March 17, 2007


[ Shoot me down if i'm not guilty. ]

It's funny how I feel overconfident. Tomorrow's my theory exam and i'm still squeezing my time for my blog. Today was church day, as usual a busy day and a day to feel like a hypocrite. Choir was exciting as usual, reaching real low notes is difficult, but u do feel good doing it. Normal sundays, but every Sunday is special. May the 6th is my church's 'Bring a Friend Sunday' so whoever's interested you can text me or smthn ;).I got home, and i jammed a few hours with hazieq. It's really fun singing songs on skype with another party. Unfortunately, i had no chance jammin with a girl. I'm talkin Acappella here, no instruments =P.

You might think i'm a boring blogger because i have no pics. But my sister is working it out on the events, and i just got back from a dinner with my family. My mum's friend Chris , is a Malaysian actor. He does the 'Jalan - jalan cari makan' advert. Believe it? Good cheff. Shepards pie, roast lamb, baked pumpkin, mint ice -cream makes you go mmmmm. I gotta do some last minute revisions now, so let me pin-point today's main event, #1 got some low notes covered.#2 added another 1000 calories to body.#3 got some plans managed.

Let me just add a pic, of my sexy pervert dog ,

The pathetic Sam.

This song is for all of you, which is somewhat related to church.

Hum Hallelujah - Fallout boy.

My words are my faith to hell with our good name,
A remix of your guts-your insides X-rayed,
And one day we'll get nostalgic for disasterwe're a bull,
your ears are just a china shop.

So hum hallelujah,
Just off the key of reason
I thought I loved you
It was just how you looked in the light.
A teenage vow in a parking lot
"Till tonight do us part"
I sing the blues and swallow them too.

-scribs. @ Sunday, March 11, 2007


[ As the world decays, on the golden banks she lay. ]

Hm, back posting again, with a brand new skin ;). I guess this would be another thing to keep me company besides games. Of course, my sister got her new camera, so i can update my blog with wonderful pictures. It's such humour, how i can be happily posting back in my blog, knowing a great event is happening and i'm not there.

Anyway, about the past few weeks. I recall having seni folio done last minute, yet very creative. And Panas Salju folio, which i hated so badly. Now for the holidays which i'm lookin forward too, is filled with more projects. Urgh. I hate this year. Badly. It's been plain pressure for the geeks in my form, and me too. But i've been complacent and agrees with a 1 hour study time. My results were satisfying in relation for the amount of study i did.

I'll be back posting again and gonna be active now. And of course, i'm in love with a song right now, not promoting but, ya'll gotta hear it.

Golden - Fall out boy.

-scribs. @ Friday, March 09, 2007


[ the solemn voice echoes, while the heavens close.]

Ahem * clears throat *. Back to my ancient blog. Apology for not blogging. Firstly, i only get the internet during weekends, and i kinda get caught up playing games >_>. Sooo, recap, first week of the form 3 life. Nothing unusual, getting to know the situation, the classmates, the ugly white board, and other weird people around me. I'm located near my friends, infront of the dustbin, which is my teleporter so you people can come enjoy my invention.

About the 2nd week, school starts to get hot and i'm getting slacky. Been copying homework from friends =o. And, getting slapped by some sexist art teacher. I make pretty good art y'know. I made this pattern by stamping bits of leaves all over paper with paint on it. and it turned out like, a tree. Still, school sucks with seni and bm projects and i hate it. But face it, it's only form 3. Imagine beyond that. =S.

Cornering the tail end of the month, things start to settle down with me. Got used to the toilet scenery outta the window. Making friends retarded and cranky. Gotten into a girl's pinafor dressing as a nerd and looking real fat. And still, i feel no shame O_O. I have an identity crisis right now. So i'm open to both men and women. =o. Right now, packed with alot of lessons during the week.Gonna be a tough year for me and everyone else.

Bout today or maybe this week.. um, i went for futsal with some friends and jog for some exercise. The next day, ahem, it's LT. I guess they got fed up with LBT , knowing the B as 'bersama'.So narrow minded. Well, let's all have a wild guess what number i got. And i u guessed right, u might win the lucky prize, a bicycle from lerun. [ OoOoo]. Edric got first place, and many others won medals too. And i'm the arse cheering for my house, Bluster , and we got 4th in place. Hooray. Me and josh are pathetic, in primary, we got in rumah ungu, which is the suckiest house. And now Bluster, also sucks. I think it's time for someone to stand up and take the challenge, to make Bluster triumphant, never to get 4th again nor 5th, and that man will make history, his name is, Patrick stamp? or maybe dex. =x. So today, woke up early , got Adam to come with us to church. Felt guilty and like a hypocrite after the lessons. Normal sunday woprship. Got home and went to his house. And played the drum set :D. Always wanted to learn those huge circles. So my resolution for the next month, work harder, exercise even harder, and play.. the least. I'm serious ! it's time to change. 'Kerajinan', always the smarter choice.That's it for today mate, dexturr.

-scribs. @ Sunday, January 28, 2007


Hey peepz, sorry for not updating.Maybe there's just nothing to say, or i'm not that creative to post anything other than my life. School's started.Yes, form 3 and PMR is here. It's gonna be a tough year. Met with old friends back in my class. So let's see, woke up, got ready and off to school. Then we got into our lines. And practically a boring 1st day of school. I'm next to josh and near yen. Loads of my form1 classmates are back with me. So it's nice la can talk back with them. And the chiwawa is also in my class. I feel so mean, but he's a perverted stalker so he don't deserve no credit. Well, this year is gonna be empty for me. Cause she's not there to fill me up. That's all. -Famous Last Words.

-scribs. @ Wednesday, January 03, 2007


Okay. nothing to say. I am just desperate to go out. I went to shawn's house today and played around. Meeting up with friends. It was only a few. Let me get straight to the point. I might be organizing something for xmas eve. Hangout at a mall and have a countdown. or either on new year's eve. anytime. i'll try to get this planned. and let's enjoy ourselves before the holidays end.

-scribs. @ Thursday, December 07, 2006


Chambers dissolve. [song : Over my head, the Fray. ]

First of all I would like to apologize for not updating for some time. For those who are interested in my rants, you should be happy cause here they are. =).

Got back from Penang last Friday, but the weekend was busy so I couldn't not space my time for blog. My family and I were there for about a week or so. Shall we get started about the trip?

Yada yada, 4 hours from 10 in the morning , my dad , mum, uncle and I reached Ipoh on the 18th of November. My aunt [ mum's classmate ] helped us with directions on the way to her place. Btw, it's aunty Beh Ning. <------ Unique chinese name oO. Anyways, her house was an old ancient house. It was like in the middle of a shop row, which her house in fact was a shop lot. We ate hor fun and rojak and leong fun [ weird black jelly that tastes like cincau ] for lunch and visited my aunty's mum. Nothing much. By the end of the day, we breached the borders of Penang Island and called it a day at GoodHope Inn. xD

The next morn, I met with my old friend Tim Joe and attended the Penang COC [ which is rather similar to ours ] and had fun while we worship our Lord. Uncle Mak brought us to some fancy hawker stall and had a quick lunch. In the evening, my dad's cousin who lives there took us for dinner in a chinese restaurant. They had a son, Joshua who is 13 and he's single =p. The seafood there rocked. Penang ---> good food ---> gluttony. =\ .That's it for the weekend.

The rest of the week is pretty much the same. My dad and uncle goes to work at Gurun for about half a day and when he arrives home, we either catch a movie, get food at gurney drive, or window shop at Gurney plaza. Imagine watching a movie every day O_O. But that is after the boredom and nags at the Inn for the whole day till my dad arrives home. T.T .On thursday we went to Penang Hill on this unique train that brought us up her. Nothing special there. The food quality deproved said my parents from the last time they've been there[ including gurney. ] The hawkers had all kinds of food and what not, but what perplexes me is that they ain't got no 'pan mee' or in their hokkien term ' mee hoon ker ' [ lawl i can't spell chinese for shit.-_- ] And finally, after a week at the dreaded food isle, we departed around noon on Friday.

So yeah, that's all about it. Nuff said, dexturr.

-scribs. @ Wednesday, November 29, 2006